Friday, December 31, 2004


I've been to doctor's office twice in three days now. I don't like riding in the carrier in the car but I don't mind too much when I'm there except when they prick me or try to open my mouth. The first time I was there for several hours and some girls gave me a bath among other things. I like girls. Yep, I like the ladies and the ladies like me. I used to like to lick Sarah's skin, especially after she had been riding her bicycle. I'm glad I have a lady doctor. Anyway, while at the doctors I found a bowl of hard dry cookie things shaped a little like dog's chew toys. That doctor said they were dog biscuits but they didn't taste like dogs. I ate half of one, it wasn't bad.

I feel better, I have more of an appetite but I do feel tired. I just want to nap alot now (like that's any different than before). Maybe it's the stuff they keep puttting in my mouth twice a day, tastes funny. I am getting the really good food all the time now instead of once every other day or so. Lots of tuna and fish and stuff in sauce, as much as I can eat. I still purr when I eat. I told you earlier I purr when I eat good cat food, were you paying attention?

Thursday, December 30, 2004

another picture of me

weasel 2

This photo isn't great but it's not bad either. I'm still a good looking cat for over 15 years old.

I don't feel too well

I've lost much of my appetite over the last 10 days and I've lost some weight too. I don't feel too good. My person is going to take me to the doctor. I don't like going to the doctor because I have to ride in a crate and then some strange person pokes and prods me. Sometimes they stick me with a needle!
I just want to nap.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

did you know?

I throw-up a lot. Did you know that? Did you want to know that? You should know everything I should decide to tell you. You should know everything that any cat should decide to tell you and you should feel priviledged, too. I mean, if a cat should grace your pitiful little existence with a little tidbit of cat knowledge, well then, isn't that your lucky day? Of course it is.

I have a sensitive stomach and I vomit because of it. There, aren't you priviledged now.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

what's the fuss about?

So a school awarded an MBA to a cat. So what. Maybe the cat really deserved it. Did you ever think of that? I hate that people just assume that a cat can't do graduate level course work. Mine own life and work experience should equal an MFA. I mean, have you seen some of the crap coming out of art schools lately? Even a dog could do as well and that's not saying much believe me. And I do live in an art studio and have always been around art and artists my entire life. I have life experience, damnit! I deserve recognition. I want my advanced degree. It's only fair.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

my box

This is my box. My person's camera he bought on eBay came in it from Canada. I don't know where that is but they make some fine boxes there. I spend hours every day in this box. If you mess with my box I'll kill you, I'm just sayin', you know?

weasel 4

...but don't I look cute in it?
I said, don't I look cute? ...come on, say it.