Thursday, September 30, 2004

Welcome Planet Suckers

I know at least one or two of you have come here. And why not? There are plenty of cat people on Planet Sucks or should I say Planet Socks? I know my person is sucking up to all the dog people on that site but what the hey? He doesn't know what he's doing these days, grief and all, you know how it is. Too many people (and cats) have died recently. He's just not himself. Not the way I, or any decent cat, think he should be. Once he feels better I'll have him eating out of my hand, so to speak (That's funny because, as everyone can see, I'm the one who should be fed by hand, of course!) I'll get him, some day, to set up a web-cam so everyone can gaze upon my beauty and magnificence in real time.
My claws can be real persuasive.
Oh, oh! Excuse me, I have to go, theres a wire twist tie on the floor that needs my attention.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

That other cat is dead

That 20 year old cat that was sick went to the vet and didn't come back. His name was Orson. I didn't like him but my person did. This is bad timing. Another thing for my person to be sad about. He needs to have things happen that make him happy, like, oh eating a mouse or something. I brought him one but he didn't eat it, it didn't even cheer him up a little. Oh well, more mouse for me. I like to eat all but their tails. I like to leave their tails as sort of a trophy.

Saturday, September 25, 2004


I need my sleep so I nap alot... unless I'm eating I'm napping except when I yowl at around 3am.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

go figure

Imagine asking a cat about blogging. Why would a cat blog? Why would you read a cat's blog? I know why. You read because it's about ME!!! You can't get enough of ME. It's all about ME. And why shouldn't it be? I AM a cat, you know and I am ME! Who wouldn't want to know more about ME?

I understand, you know, your needs. Who, other than another cat, would understand better your need to know more about me? Don't be embarrassed, but I'm just doing this to help you out. You know you need this.
Here's a little tidbit for you: I purr when I eat canned cat food.

Now go get me a gift subscription to the Salmon of the Month Club.
I have napping to do.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I got a box!

The dummy, I mean my person, just got a camera from Amazon. It's just a toy, a Holga, but it means I get a cardboard box to sit in. Oh joy, oh rapture!
Now if I only had some tuna life would be perfect.

Monday, September 20, 2004

oh, death!

A cat I know is going to be put down soon. He's not at all well. He's really sick, actually. He's 20 years old, he's got diminished kidney function, a hyper-active thyroid and I think he's senile. I never did like him much. He used to try and intimidate me; I'm just a little cat although I'm almost as old as him (not really, I'm just 15), he was a big, BIG, cat. Kind of a bully. Still, it's always sad when a cat has to go but doesn't know enough to go on his own.

Monday, September 13, 2004


Finally, at long last, the jerk, I mean my person, has posted a picture of ME! A CAT PICTURE!!! A picture of a cat on my own freakin' blog! About freakin' time! It's not a good photo (I'll get him for that later) but it IS a photo of ME (and that's what is important). It was taken back when I lived in the city, in the first house I ever lived in, on Pennsylvania Ave in south St Louis. I looked good, didn't I ? Yeah, you know it, I looked really good.

Friday, September 10, 2004

I know he's got at least one photo

He could post at least one photo of me, goddamnit!
And it's not like photos are expensive or difficult to deal with. I think he really doesn't like cats as much as he says he does.
I mean he takes and post pictures of the damn dogs, the dogs damn it! But not me, oh no not me!

I feel like taking a dump in one of his slippers.

Thursday, September 09, 2004


This is the dog that likes to stick her nose in my fur. She really likes cats and why not? Some dogs are smart like that, I mean we ARE talking about cats, right?
I can't believe that my person still doesn't have any cat photos, specifically ME photos, to post. It's kind of embarassing to have the first photo on my blog to be of a dog and not a cat even if she is my girlfriend.
I think I'll scratch him.
Later, after a nap or two.

Monday, September 06, 2004

do it yourself

My girlfriend is a dog named Holly. She likes to stick her nose in my fur. I don't mind that at all.

I'd post photos of me or at least other cats but my person is so pre-occupied right now he won't get a camera. He makes me mad sometimes.
Thank god I have razor sharp claws.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

he just can't

He's doing it again. He just won't stop. With all the cat-related things he could post he's still not posting much about me.

Well... as long as I still get tuna.

I used to live in the city

I used to live in an old house in the city but now I live in the country. I still don't like to go outside much, it's kind of scary and I'm just a little cat.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

blog shmog

Call me Weasel. I live in an art studio/library. I sleep a lot. I am a small black cat.

A really nice girl named Sarah Heyman saved me when I was real little and sent me to live with this guy named Robert Keith. He has a blog but he hasn't written about me yet. He is very upset over something now but it's not cat-related so I don't know...

I liked the way Sarah smelled. She smelled good for a non-cat.